When you see ants in your home you don't stop to identify what species they are, you just want them gone, NOW. Nobody wants dangerous pesticides in their kitchen or bathroom so we did the research to...
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For men, shaving in the shower is a great way to save time, keep your bathroom counter clean, and even save money. But for it to work you need to be able to see yourself clearly so you need a mirror...
Just like every other morning your alarm goes off and you shuffle into the shower, the warm spray wakes you up enough to focus your eyes and you see it. Pinkish slime around the grout and drain in...
How to Remove a 4×4 Fence Post that is Snapped Off at Ground Level
It’s a common question in home repair forums and do it yourself message boards – a windstorm blows the fence down and breaks the fence posts off right at ground level. Often the posts were...
Summer is for relaxing in the backyard, grilling, and enjoying time with friends. Horseshoes and washers are classic backyard games with cornhole and ladderball gaining popularity. You can buy a...
How to Play Ladderball: Setup, Rules, Scoring & How to Throw
Ladderball is a fun backyard game that appeals to all ages. All you need are two or more players, two 'ladders', 3 bolas per team, and an open area to play. The equipment is simple and portable which...